Did you know that only 10% of people successfully stick to their New Years resolutions? Many studies suggest they really don't work.
For the past several years or so, I have been setting (and helping client to set) intentions for the new year instead of resolutions. What's the difference?
Intentions are more positive, open-ended, vague and highlight what you already have. Intentions define the actions we want to take today in order to live even better. It is how you wish to BE or feel more of in the world.
Resolutions are negative and focus on what you lack or wish to fix about yourself. They are future focused and are either achieved or not. There is little flexibility or wiggle room.
Resolutions tend to set us up for failure, whereas intentions can remain our intentions forever.
Here are some guidelines for setting intentions:
-Be clear on what you want to cultivate or achieve (how do you want to feel or be more of)
-Create an affirmation "I am" or "I have" as if it is already true
-Simplify the affirmation into 1-3 word mantra
-Review and remind yourself of it often
Some examples:
Resolution: I want to lose weight next year.
Intention: I want to feel healthier and more energized (by eating out less for lunch and learn/practice meal prepping healthy meals for lunch instead).
Affirmation: I have health and vitality.
Mantra: Health & Vitality
Resolution: I want to stop being late all the time.
Intention: I want to feel calm when arriving to appointments (by giving myself 5 extra minutes travel time).
Affirmation: I am calm.
Mantra: Calm
Resolution: I want to be less anxious and worried about the future.
Intention: I want to be present in my life, living in the here and now (by practicing mindful awareness)
Affirmation: I am present.
Mantra: Presence